Cristal Care- Health and Wellbeing

Cristal Care demonstrates how we are currently meeting the health and wellbeing of the people who live within our services and how we will continue to be committed in improving resident’s health and quality of life.

NHS England identifies that, as an organisation, it has a crucial role in helping people with a learning disability, autism or both, lead a longer, happier and healthier life.

The NHS has a Long Term Plan which aims to improve people’s health by making sure that they receive timely and appropriate health checks, whilst improving the level of awareness and understanding across the NHS of how best to support people with a learning disability and autism as patients.

NHS England have a commitment to Reduce health inequalities, improving uptake of annual health checks, reducing over-medication through the Stopping The Over-Medication of children and young People with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP) taking action to prevent avoidable deaths through learning from deaths reviews (LeDeR)

CQC identify within their Regulations that people have a service which provides  care or treatment that is personalised specifically for them and that each person receives appropriate person-centred care and treatment that is based on an assessment of their needs and preferences.

Cristal Care develop Health and Wellbeing support plans for each resident based upon their preferences and ensuring their assessed needs are met. This includes making choices in relation to where to access their health care and who with through positive communication and providing choice. All residents are involved in the development of support plans and to understand the reasons why they require treatment or to have specific appointments.

Cristal Care works closely with the Learning Disability Team within the local areas and work as part of a team to ensure positive health outcomes for all the residents and promote their health and wellbeing.

As an Organisation we subscribe to STOMP, we support people to discuss their medication and what is makes them feel like, we collate information which shows how the medication is working in positive and not so positive ways and support people in the decision making process. All residents have the opportunity to safely store their own medication, have personally designed medication administration plans and the opportunity to be as independent as possible.

In January 2020 there were 21 people living within Cristal Care residential services in the South Yorkshire area. Of those people:

  • All the residents had attended an Annual Health check in the past 12 months.
  • 95% of residents had attended the dentist in the last 12 months, there is one person who is extremely anxious about attending the dentist and he has a specific support plan working towards encouraging him to go.
  • All residents have been to the optician following their guidance and had their sight and eye health checked.
  • All residents have an individual Health Action Plan which is developed from their own specific assessed needs and preferences. All Health and Wellbeing support plans are reviewed on a monthly basis and all appointments are supported in a way that meets the individuals’ choice.
  • All residents have a current Hospital Passport which is readily available to provide support in the event that people have to attend hospital.

In this way we are promoting the health and wellbeing of our residents with specific plans which are in addition to the intensive support we provide which can identify when people are showing signs of not being well through changes in their mood, eating and sleeping patterns or a change in the way they behave towards people. This enables a positive and quick response to any health issues which may arise.