We have extensive experience of working with individuals who have behaviour that may be described as challenging. Many of these individuals have transitioned from hospital or secure settings, or have had failed previous placements, and have been deemed ‘difficult’ to place.

These individuals are now being supported to become as independent as possible and to fully integrate into the community, with significant marked reductions in behaviour that may be described as challenging. This is achieved with support delivered by consistent and committed support teams who are highly trained, qualified and skilled in positive behavioural support, crisis prevention and enablement.

We use an accredited and clinical provider for our positive behaviour support. The PBS approach has strong value base, keeping the person at the centre and promoting valued social roles for people in society. An essential part of PBS is the scientific understanding of how all behaviour works.

The main aim of Positive Behaviour Support is to increase an individual’s quality of life by increasing opportunities and skills. An increase in quality of life has the effect of reducing behaviours that challenge.

Measurable outcomes of positive behaviour support:

  • Reduce behaviours that challenge through person centered, ethical and evidence based approaches
  • Improve quality of life as well as functional and academic skills for those supported and educated
  • Create high quality support and education services through embedding PBS practices

We use a BILD accredited (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) model to manage challenging behaviour by preventing a crisis using positive support approaches. The accredited positive behaviour support we deliver compliments the training for crisis intervention.

The foundations of positive behaviour support allow our support teams to work together to pinpoint the root cause of the behaviour and teach techniques to handle stressful situations which will reduce the need for challenging behaviour and distress to the adult.

We believe that by adopting a proactive, structured, and person-centred approach we’re able to reduce behaviours which challenge by focussing on positive opportunities for people to enjoy their lives and by using their skills and talents.

We have invested in our staff team and have a Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner who reviews individuals supported in our service and completes reflective practice sessions. Qualified trainers who work alongside all our staff to promote positive interactions and coach people to be supported through times of difficulty and be supported after the incident. Our Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner completes a range of functional assessments to review why a particular behaviour or behaviours occur. This assessment identifies the function of the behaviour and therefore ensures that intervention plans are based on the function, leading to effective behaviour change. If we do not know the function of a behaviour we risk putting into place ineffective or inappropriate interventions or support plans which