RH’s Musings

First off, I want to say… I’m SORRY… sorry for all the misguided resentment and hatred I have ever felt against anyone EVER!

I hated, because I did not understand… I never did!

I did not appreciate people with disabilities because I never saw them as just normal people, which… news flash… they are!

I disliked, some, characters in fiction, only some. Why? because I didn’t think to see things from their perspective… their ideals… their feelings… and thus didn’t see… why, they did what they did.

But now… in the final days of my 26th year… I understand and have learnt so much more.

Most of all though… I understand that for all the politics in the world… for all the conflict, strife, poverty and chaos for all the feelings and emotions.

In this world there are only two forces that matter: One that will harm our world… And one that will protect it.

All my life I have only ever wanted to matter to someone…to guide someone and show them everything I have ever learned… to protect and love them…. to protect and love… Is your support network around you, your friends and family.

And for a long time, I believed I could never have it… how could I? I thought about the wrongness of every bitter and self-righteous thought and feeling I’ve ever had and the harm it was doing and it made me feel not worthy. But at long last I came to understand… I have always been worthy!

Every time I helped in the garden… every time I took a dog for a walk…every time I dropped a coin in a charity box…every time I picked up litter… every time I did anything caring… I was bettering myself.

Once after I had given blood, I received a letter from a young girl saying I had saved her life. That one girl could have her own family by now… because of me giving my blood.

I no longer see the world as such in such a negative light. Doing good creates goodness around you.